sfondo sezione



Il provvedimento interlocutorio emesso dalla Corte EDU il 10 luglio 2023 nell’ambito del ricorso proposto dai fratelli Cavallotti, curato dall'Avv. Baldassare Lauria, pone in evidenza la rilevanza delle questioni di legittimità costituzionale e convenzionale sottese all’attuale configurazione della confisca di prevenzione[...]


di Miriam Allena Assistant Professor of Administrative Law, University of Milan “Bocconi”.

The Italian lawmakers have recently extended the anti- Mafia non conviction based confiscation to the persons suspected of belonging to a[...]

Convention du Conseil de l’Europe relative au blanchiment, au dépistage, à la saisie et à la confiscation des produits du crime et au financement du terrorisme (STCE no 198)

Convention du Conseil de l’Europe relative au blanchiment, au dépistage, à la saisie et à la confiscation des produits du crime et au financement du terrorisme (STCE no 198)

Lors de sa 9e réunion, tenue à Strasbourg les 21 et 22 novembre 2017, la Conférence des Parties[...]

Guide on Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights

This guide is part of the series of Case-Law Guides published by the European Court of Human Rights (hereafter “the Court”, “the European Court” or “the Strasbourg Court”) to inform legal practitioners about the fundamental judgments and decisions delivered by the Strasbourg Court. This particular guide analyses and sums up the[...]

ECCD publishes a paper on the use of non-conviction based seizure and confiscation

Over the past thirty years, confiscation has been used as a tool to combat transnational crime, stripping away the rewards from those who engage in such nefarious activities. Fundamentally, the approach is directed at reducing criminal capital that could fuel further criminal activity, removing the incentive to commit further crime and ensuring that[...]

Disposal of confiscation assets in the EU member states

This report was prepared in the context of the Study RECAST – REuse of Confiscated Assets for social purposes: towards Common EU standards. The Study was awarded to the University of Palermo – Department of European Studies and International Integration (Coordinator: Giovanni Fiandaca, Professor of criminal law) by the European Commission, DG[...]

How Far Is Too Far? Theorising Non-Conviction-Based Asset Forfeiture

by Jennifer Hendry and Colin King

Non-conviction-based (NCB) asset forfeiture is a relatively recent addition to law enforcement's armoury in the fight against organised crime in the UK. It allows for criminal assets to be[...]

Asset Freezing at the European and Inter-American Courts of Human Rights: Lessons for the International Criminal Court, the United Nations Security Council and States

Daley J BirkettAuthor NotesHuman Rights Law Review,

This article examines the human rights implications of the asset freezing processes available to the International Criminal Court and the United Nations Security Council. It does so through the lens of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and the Inter-American[...]

La «confiscation anti-mafia» et le sort des biens confisqués en Italie

par Francesco MENDITTO, procureur de la République près le Tribunal de Lanciano, ex Président d’un collège de la Section mesures de prévention du Tribunal de Naples, auteur de plusieurs ouvrages : « Codice antimafia » (ed. Giuridiche Simone), « Le misure di prevenzione personali e patrimoniali » (ed. Giuffré).

Texte traduit de[...]
